Thursday, October 8, 2015

#BBB NEWS| 50 Cent Is Suing His Former Lawyers For $75 Million

50 Cent has had his fair share of lawsuits aimed his way, but this time he’s flipped the script. The music mogul filed a $75 million lawsuit against his own lawyers, Business Insider reports.

The suit, which was filed on Wednesday (Oct. 6), states 50 sued Garvey Schubert Barer, the law firm that represented him in litigation against Sleek Audio.

Previously, the “Patiently Waiting” rapper was sued by the electronics company in 2013 after they claimed that he exposed business secrets and stole the headphone’s design that they collectively formulated.

The law firm stated 50 used those designs for products in his SMS Audio line once their business deal fell through. Sleek Audio won the case and 50 was then ordered to pay the company $16 million last year.

Now, the rapper is suing the legal firm that represented him in his case against the audio company because according to him, Barer is the reason that he lost the 2013 suit.

“Among GSB’s numerous failures was its inexplicable decision not to call technical and damages experts to rebut expert testimony offered by Sleek — failures relied upon by the arbitrator in crediting Sleek’s experts and entering an eight-figure award in Sleek’s favor,” court documents state.

The Power actor said that the multimillion dollar judgement in conjunction with other debt he owes to creditors led to his July bankruptcy filing. Craig Weiner, Fifty’s bankruptcy lawyer, said that 50 is only suing after seeking a settlement with the legal firm to no avail.

In a statement, his former lawyers accepted no responsibility for the case loss.
“We understand that Mr. Jackson is disappointed in the outcome of Sleek Audio’s arbitration against him,” it reads. “However, Mr. Jackson’s complaint against GSB omits a number of relevant facts and misstates a number of others, and we will respond to the allegations in accordance with the court’s rules. Our attorneys properly counseled Mr. Jackson and his sophisticated team of financial and operational advisors about the transactions and the arbitrations with Sleek. Unfortunately, the arbitrator in the Sleek case found Mr. Jackson responsible for his actions and the actions of those who performed services for him or his companies.We look forward to demonstrating that our attorneys handled the Sleek matters appropriately in all aspects.”

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