Sunday, March 13, 2016

#BBB NEWS| Stacey Dash On Donald Trump: “He’s Not Violent, He’s Just ‘Street'” [PHOTOS]

We’ve seen thousands of Donald Trump supporters pour out in promotion of the 69-year-old. Now, another supporter is using her platform to back Trump with a lengthy post on why she’s planning to cast her ballot for him.

Stacey Dash, who doesn’t hold back her controversial statements, post was published in reference to Trump’s rallies and the protests that have followed. Within her note, Dash listed the many reasons why she’s planning to vote for Trump if he receives the nomination, stating that “he’s not backing down” despite the opposition.

“There’s a lot of talk about Donald Trump being violent, condoning it, or at least inciting it. But this is a total misread of our next President,” she writes. “First of all, he’s not responsible for what every random guy does — out of thousands. (And by the way, I don’t condone the violence that has happened so far.)”

She then continued to say that Trump has a “street” like nature. “Second of all, he’s not violent, he’s just ‘street.’ He was born in Queens. Of course, that doesn’t mean he was hustling on the street, dodging bullets,” she mentions. “I know he had a privileged upbringing that no doubt isolated him from much of the violence and strife that some people grew up with in the city.”

Dash also claims that some Americans “LOVE” Trump because he’s not a push-over and the people who support him “want someone who will not put up with non-sense.”

But one person who is speaking out against Trump’s statements is Oscar-award winner John Legend. The famed singer engaged in an exchange with Trump’s son, Donald Jr.

In response to Donald Jr.’s Twitter reveal on demonstrators, “Ha 5 students when asked why they were protesting couldn’t even answer. The participation medal/micro aggression generation is pretty sad!” Legend swiftly corrected him and wrote, “I think they were protesting your racist father. This isn’t complicated.”

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