Friday, December 11, 2015

#BBB NEWS| Muhammad Ali Addresses Donald Trump’s Statements On Banning Muslim Immigration

Donald Trump’s recent statements on seeking to ban Muslim immigrants from entering the United States have struck a nerve with those who disagree with his policies. And one person in particular has summed up everyone’s thoughts with one letter.

Legendary boxer/activist Muhammad Ali penned a poignant statement on not only Trump’s misguided remarks, but also other presidential candidates who side with Trump.

“I believe that our political leaders should use their position to bring understanding about the religion of Islam and clarify that these misguided murderers have perverted people’s views on what Islam really is,” Ali said.

In an interview with Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan, Trump said his stance “has nothing to do with religion; it’s about safety.” He later continued, “If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back. They’re a citizen. That’s different. But we have to figure things out.” Trump took his comments a step further by releasing a press release on the matter.

“Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine,” Trump said. “Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.”

Read Ali’s full statement below.

    I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.

    We as Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda. They have alienated many from learning about Islam. True Muslims know or should know that it goes against our religion to try and force Islam on anybody.

    Speaking as someone who has never been accused of political correctness, I believe that our political leaders should use their position to bring understanding about the religion of Islam and clarify that these misguided murderers have perverted people’s views on what Islam really is.

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